Booth. | |
Click to enlarge (543KB). |
Cascade B-STDX 9000. | |
HLS (Hughes LAN Systems) Enterprise Hub. | |
HP (Prototype). | |
NEC ATOMIS 5, SynOptics LatticeCell and Fore ASX-100, in the Cisco booth. |
Cisco AIP (for Cisco 7000). | |
IBM ATM NIC for RS/6000. | |
Wellfleet ATM Gateway? and BNX. |
MFS Datanet, used by AlterNet. | |
Sprint. |
Grand Junction FastSwitch10/100. $7,250. | |
HP 100Base-VG Hub (Prototype). |
Extracted from a magazine "Nikkei Communication," 1993-09-20 (monochrome) and 1993-10-18 (color).
Provided by Roger Spangler. |