
[開設情報](EN) [Eventごと] [Suffixごと] [Yearごと] [その他情報] (callsign.jp) (Menu)

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JA's Special Event / ARISS School Contact Stations in FY2014
1: JARL Specially Commemorative Station, 2: JARL Special Station, N: Non-JARL Special-Event Station; A: ARISS School Contact Station
Operating Month(s) W
Event Accurate
AM              8J110SIT The 110th Anniversary of Saitama Institute of Technology Oct. 1, 2012 - May 31, 2014 N
AMJJ            8J1IBH The 38th All Japan High School Cultural Festival in Ibaraki July 1, 2013 - July 31, 2014 N
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J4J The 30th Asia-Pacific Regional Scout Jamboree (Completed in 2013)
The 16th Nippon Jamboree (Completed in 2013)
The 23rd World Scout Jamboree
July 31, 2013 - Aug. 8, 2015 N
A               8N3RM Ritsumeikan Moriyama Junior High School ARISS School Contact Aug. 5 - Oct. 24, 2013;
Oct. 25, 2013 - Oct. 24, 2018someday between May 4 - 24, 2014 (Last Spot: Apr. 9)
A               8N3T Takatsuki Dai 1 Junior High School ARISS School Contact Sept. 20, 2013 - Sept. 19, 2018someday between May 4 - 24, 2014 (Last Spot: Apr. 20) A
A               8J5SSS The 56th Saijo-shi Sangyo Sai (or Saijo-city Industry Festival) Nov. 1, 2013 - Apr. 30, 2014 N
AMJJ            8J23776M The Designation of Mt. Fuji as a World Heritage Site
(3776: The height of Mt. Fuji in meters (12,388 ft))
Nov. 14, 2013 - July 31, 2014 N
AMJJAS OND      8J1AOBA The 20th Anniversary of Aoba-ward (in Yokohama-city) Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014 N
AMJJAS OND      8J7T The Birth of Takizawa-city (JCC#0316) Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014 N
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J3ZUKA Takarazuka(-city)'s Triple Anniversay
((1) The 100th Anniversary of The Takarazuka Revue, (2) The 60th Anniversary of Takarazuka-city and (3) The 20th Anniversary of The Osamu Tezuka Manga Museum)
Jan. 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 N
AMJJAS          8N3HKC Hirakata-city's Upgrade to a "Core City" (Defined by the Local Autonomy Act) Jan. 15 - Sept. 30, 2014 N
AMJJAS OND      8J1TZ20Y The 20th Anniversary of Tsuzuki-ward (in Yokohama-city) Feb. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014 N
A               8N1MA Musashino Elementary School ARISS School Contact Feb. 10 - Apr. 10, 2014 A
AM              8N3AB Himeji Aboshinishi Elementary School ARISS School Contact Feb. 14 - May 13, 2014 A
A               8N1MOMO The 38th Koga(-city) Momo (or Peach (Blossom)) Festival Mar. 1 - Apr. 6, 2014 2
AM              8J4SNP The 80th Anniversary of Setonaikai National Park Mar. 1 - May 31, 2014 2
AMJ             8N2HHH Hamanako Flower Expo (or Hana Haku) 2014 / The 31st Japan Parks and Urban Green Fair in Shizuoka Mar. 1 - June 16, 2014 2
AMJJA           8J1AYAME The 63rd Suigo Itako Ayame Matsuri (or Water District Itako(-city) Iris Festival) Mar. 1 - Aug. 31, 2014 2
AMJJAS          8J7EQ The Great East Japan Earthquake Memorial Mar. 6 - Sept. 30, 2014 N
AMJJAS          8J10NICT The 10th Anniversary of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
The 50th Anniversary of Its Kashima Space Technology Center
The 25th Anniversary of Its Kansai Advanced Research Center
Mar. 15 - Sept. 15, 2014 N
AMJJAS ONDJFM H 8N3TA The 60th Anniversary of Takasago-city Mar. 15, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 N
AM              8J4FF 2014 Hiroshima(-city) Flower Festival Apr. 1 - May 5, 2014 2
AM              8J4ROSE Fukuyama(-city) Bara (or Rose) Festival 2014 Apr. 1 - May 18, 2014 2
AMJ J             8J3A The 19th Kansai Amateur Radio Festival "KANHAM 2014"
(8J3A: Fixed, 8J3XIX: Mobile)
Apr. 1 - July 20, 2014 1
AMJJA           8J740YYM The 40th Anniversary of Tsugaru Sky Club, JA7YYM Apr. 1 - Aug. 31, 2014 2
AMJJAS O        8J8JRCV The 50th Anniversary of Japanese Red Cross Radio Volunteer Corps in Hokkaido Apr. 1 - Oct. 31, 2014 N
AMJJAS OND      8N1NRT The 60th Anniversary of Narita-city Apr. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014 N
AMJJAS OND      8N1S60A The 60th Anniversary of Sagamihara-city Apr. 1 - Dec. 31, 2014 2
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J1FC The 60th Anniversary of Fuchu-city Apr. 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 N
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J1TGN The 60th Anniversary of Togane-city Apr. 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J9ONO The Birth Festival of "Yui-no-kuni" (or "Hometown of Ties")
The 60th Anniversary of Ono-city
(Ties: Binding (1) humans together, (2) the times together and (3) regions together)
Apr. 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
AMJJA           8J460Y The 60th Anniversari of Newly-Consolidated Yakage-town Apr. 2 - Aug. 31, 2014 2
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J2CU5X The 50th Anniversary of Chubu University Apr. 9, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
AMJJAS ONDJ     8J1ZC The 60th Anniversary of Zushi-city,
The 50th Anniversary of Zushi and Hayama Amateur Radio Club's Station JA1YUU
Apr. 20, 2014 - Jan. 31, 2015 N
AMJ               8J2VLP The World QRP Day (June 17)
(VLP: Very Low Power)
Apr. 26 - June 30, 2014 1
  8J4VLP 1
  8J6VLP 1
  8J9VLP 1
  J             8J8VLP June 1 - 30, 2014 1
AMJ           H 8N1AA The 60th Anniversary of Akishima-city Apr. 27 - June 29, 2014 N
AMJJAS ON       8N3DNP Osaka Wireless Proper Use Promotion Conference
(DNP: Denpa/Dempa, or Radiowave)
Apr. 27 - Nov. [8-21], 2014 N
AM              8J6DON Hakata "Dontaku" Port Festival
(Dontaku: a Dutch word Zontag, meaning a holiday)
Apr. 29 - May 5, 2014 2
 M              8J1BOSAI The 63rd Tonegawa River System Association Flood Drill
(Bosai: Disaster Prevention)
May 1 - 17, 2014 2
 M              8J1ITU World Telecommunication and Information Society Day May 1 - 31, 2014 N
 MJJAS ONDJFM   8J2VE The 20th Anniversary of ARRL/VEC NAGOYA VE TEAM May 5, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
 MJJAS ONDJFM   8J4HKR The 10th Anniversary of Newly-Consolidated Hikari-city May 7, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
 MJ             8N0BSMT 2014 Rose Festa in ShinshuNakano / The 23rd Rose Summit (or Bara Summit) May 24 - June 30, 2014 N
  JJ            8J6DAIJA Omuta(-city) Daijayama Matsuri (or King Snake Mountain Festival) June 1 - July 2728, 2014 N
  JJ            8N6NTO The 10th Anniversary of the National Theatre Okinawa June 1 - July 31, 2014 2
  JJAS ON       8J2GAMA The 60th Anniversary of Gamagori-city June 1 - Nov. 30, 2014 2
  JJAS OND      8J1INUBO The 140th Anniversary of Inubosaki Lighthouse June 1 - Dec. 31, 2014 2
  J             8J8150G The 150th Anniversary of Goryokaku Castle June 5 - 25, 2014 2
  JJ            8J1AD The 30th Anniversary of AMDA
(AMDA: The Association of Medical Doctors of Asia, an certified NPO organization)
June 7 - July 31, 2014 2
  JJAS ONDJFM   8N4KT The 10th Anniversary of Kibichuo-town June 7, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 N
  JJAS          8N7SE The 10th Noshiro Space Event June 13 - Sept. 14?15, 2014 N
  JJAS OND      8J3KNT The 60th Anniversary of Kawanishi-city
(having an official mascot character Kinta-kun; in connection with Kintaro — a superhuman strength child from a Japanese folklore — whose legendary grave located in the city)
June 13 - Dec. 31, 2014 N
  JJAS ONDJFM   8J3K60A The 60th Anniversary of Kusatsu-city June 20, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
  JJAS ONDJFM   8J3TENRI The 60th Anniversary of Tenri-city June 29, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 N
   J            8N50YEN The 50th Anniversity of Ozu Amateur Radio Club, JA5YEN July 1 - 31, 2014 2
   JAS O        8N5CLEAN Clean Reception Environment Month July 1 - Oct. 31, 2014 2
     S O        8N0C Sept. 1 - Oct. 31, 2014 2
       O        8J8CLN Oct. 1 - 31, 2014 2
       O        8N9C Oct. 1 - 31, 2014 2
   JAS ON       8J6GNB The 69th National Athletic Meet in Nagasaki(-pref.)
The 14th Special Athletes Sports Competition in Nagasaki(-pref.)
(GNB: Gambaramba (Ganbaranba), a dialector in Nagasaki, meaning Gambaranakya or "Hang in there")
July 1 - Nov. 3, 2014 1
   JAS ON       8J9WSH "Wakasaji (or Wakasa Corridor), a District of Beautiful Sea, Lakes and History" Campaign /
The Full Open of the Maizuru-Wakasa Expressway
(of which Fukui-prefecture section was nicknamed "Wakasa Satoumi Highway," where,
Wakasa: A district name and,
Satoumi: Village sea, referring a coastal sea area where nature and human-beings coexist)
July 1 - Nov. 30, 2014 2
   JAS ONDJFM   8J125SSI The 125th Anniversary of Shisui-town July 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 N
   JAS ONDJFM   8J7INORI Hisaichi wa mirai e (or The Disaster Area, toward the Furure) July 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 N
    J             8N1HQ 2014 IARU HF Championship

(1) Minato ... FEDXP Volunteers 80m-CW, 10m-CW
(2) Naka-gun ... IDXRC 15m-Ph, 10m-Ph
(3) Kimitsu ... University of Tokyo Contest Club 15m-CW
(4) Mimasaka ... Team Mima-chan 160m-CW, 40m-CW/Ph
(5) Iwamizawa ... JA8CDT Group 20m-CW/Ph
[80m-Ph ... No QRV]
July 5 - 13, 2014 1
  8N1HQ 1
  8N1HQ 1
  8N4HQ 1
  8N8HQ 1
   JAS O        8N1AQ The 2nd Chiba Aqualine Marathon
(Aqualine: The Trans-Tokyo Bay Highway)
Aug. 1July 12 - Oct. 31, 2014 2
   JAS ONDJF    8J1ATUGI The 60th Anniversary of Atsugi-city July 18, 2014 - Feb. 28, 2015 N
   JAS OND      8J7SGP Sanriku Geopark PR July 19 - Dec. 31, 2014 N
    A           8J1A "Hamfair 2014" 2014 Amateur Radio Festival Aug. 1 - 24, 2014 1
    A           8J5JAZZ 2014 Imabari Jazz Town Aug. 1 - 31, 2014 2
    AS O        8J3AK Amino Kita Elementary School ARISS School Contact Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 2014 A
    AS ON       8N3Y The 10th Anniversary of Yasu-city Aug. 1 - Nov. 30, 2014 2
    AS ONDJFM   8N9HS Opening of Hokuriku Shinkansen Bullet Train
(8N9HS: in Toyama-prefecture, 8N0E7K: in Shin'etsu-district, 8N9W7K: in Ishikawa-prefecture)
(E7K → E7 "Kei" → E7 "Series," a train type used on the Hokuriku Shinkansen;
 W7K → ditto)
Aug. 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
          JFM   8N0E7K Jan. 1 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
           FM   8N9W7K Feb. 1 - Apr. 30, 2015 N
    AS ONDJFM H 8N1KINU The Designation of the Tomioka Silk Mill and Related Sites as a World Heritage Site
(Kinu: Silk)
Aug. 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
    AS          8J1YSW The 60th Anniversary of Musashino Club Aug. 2 - Sept. 23, 2014 2
    AS O        8J4HAM Ham Festa Kasaoka 2014 Aug. 6 - Oct. 19, 2014 N
    AS O        8N4RSK Wasshoi Wansaka Kibikogen Highlands Festa — RSK Radio Festival! All People to Gather!
(RSK: Sanyo Broadcasting Co., Ltd., former Radio Sanyo K.K. (K.K.: Kabushiki Kaisha or Co. Ltd.))
Aug. 7 - Oct. 5, 2014 N
    AS ON       8N4ARDF 2014 All Japan ARDF Athletic Meet Aug. 8 - Nov. 16, 2014 1
    AS ONDJFM   8J7KOR The 90th Anniversary of Koriyama-city
The 50-Year Anniversary of Its Consolidation with the Surrounding Towns and Villages
Aug. 11 - Dec. 31, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
     S          8J8RALLY "Rally Hokkaido" :
FIA Asia Pacific Rally Championship 2014 5th Stage
JAF All Japan Rally Championship 2014 7th Stage
Sept. 1 - 3028, 2014 2
     S O        8N7B1G The 9th Local Gourmet B-1 Grand Prix in Koriyama(-city)
(B: Local brand; or formerly in connection with "B-class local gourmet," intending country dishes or delicious reasonable diets)
Sept. 1 - Oct. 31, 2014 2
     S ON       8J7KBN The 29th Kokumin Bunka Sai (or National Cultural Festival) in Akita 2014 Sept. 1 - Nov. 3, 2014  
     S ON       8N2S5X The 50th Anniversary of Tokaido Shinkansen Bullet Train Sept. 1 - Nov. 30, 2014 2
     S ON       8J2TTH The 70th Anniversary of Aichi Prefectural Toyokawa Technical High School Sept. 1 - Nov. 30, 2014 2
     S ON       8J4ESD UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development Sept. 1 - Nov. 30, 2014 N
     S OND      8J3KAN Kambei Kuroda Expo
(Kambei Kuroda: 1546-1604, a daimyo (or a feudal lord), renowned for his great ambition as a strategist to Hideyoshi Toyotomi, 1537-1598, Japan's second unifier)
Sept. 1 - Dec. 28, 2014 2
     S ONDJFM   8N150KC The 50th Anniversary of Kokubunji-city Sept. 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 N
     S OND      8J150ZYG The 50th Anniversary of Ome Amateur Radio Club, JA1ZYG Sept. 13 - Dec. 13, 2014 2
       ON       8J60ODA The 60th Anniversary of ODA (Official Development Assistance) Oct. 1 - Nov. 16, 2014 2
       ONDJFM   8J160KSW The 60th Anniversary of Kashiwa-city Oct. 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
       O        8J2YSM NPO Sora-To-Rocket-Dan (or Team Sky and Rocket) ARISS School Contact
(at Yosami Radio Transmitting Station Memorial Museum)
Oct. 2 - 23, 2014 A
       ON       8N4STAR Bisei Elementary School ARISS School Contact Oct. 3 - Nov. 16, 2014 A
       ON       8J6BAL 2014 Saga International Balloon Fiesta Oct. 4 - Nov. 4, 2014 2
       ON       8N0SJ4J The 400th Anniversary of Old Shiojiri 4 Juku (or Shiojiri(-city) Area's Four Post Stations) Oct. 4 - Nov. 30, 2014 N
       ONDJFM   8J310KTG The 10th Anniversary of Kyotango-city Oct. 27, 2014 - Mar. 27, 2015 N
        N       8N0PEACE The 4th Mayors for Peace Japanese Member Cities' Meeting Nov. 2 - 16, 2014 N
        NDJFM   8J3EQ The 20th Anniversary of Hanshin Awaji Great Earthquake
The 55th Anniversary of JARL Kobe Club
Nov. 4, 2014 - July 16, 2015 N
        ND      8J1KP The 60th Anniversary of Koganei Park Nov. 22 - Dec. 31, 2014 2
         DJFM   8J7DRS The 3rd United Nations World Conference on Disaster Reduction in Sendai Dec. 1, 2014 - Mar. 31, 2015 2
         DJFM   8N100ICT The 100th Anniversary of Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center
The 75th Anniversary of JJY, a standard time and frequency signals station
(both operated by NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology)
Dec. 1, 2014 - Nov. 30, 2015 N
          D JFM   8N1Z The 20th Anniversary of Sumida Wave Radio Club, JN1ZUA
(8N1Z: Mobile, 8N1ZUA: Fixed)
Dec. 15, 2014 - Nov. 14, 2015 N
         DJFM   8J6HAM The 14th West Japan Ham Fair Dec. 71521, 2014 - Mar. 18, 2015 1
          JFM   8J1FUYO The 35th Anniverary of Fuyo Kondankai Amateur Radio Club, JI1YTF
(Fuyo Kondankai: An informal gathering in Fuyo Group — former Yasuda Conglomerate — for the group companies' employees to use their products mutually)
Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2015 2
          JF    8N8SSF The 66th Sapporo Snow Festival Jan. 11 - Feb. 11, 2015 2
           FM   8J3KGR The 60th Anniversary of Kamigori-town's Merger Feb. 3 - Dec. 31, 2015 N
           FM   8J1MITO The 119th Mito(-city) Plum Festival Feb. 20 - Mar. 31, 2015 N
           FM   8N4Y The Full Open of the Nima-Yunotsu Road Feb. 21 - Apr. 30, 2015 N
            M   8N1MOMO The 39th Koga(-city) Momo (or Peach (Blossom)) Festival Mar. 1 - Apr. 6, 2015 2
            M   8J1H Hachioji-city's Upgrade to a "Core City" (Defined by the Local Autonomy Act) Mar. 1 - May 31, 2015 2
            M P 8N3HC The Grand Opening of a World Heritage Site Himeji-jo Castle Mar. 1 - May 31, 2015 2
            M   8J3M The 29th General Assembly of the Japan Medical Congress Mar. 15 - May 14, 2015 N
              M   8N3AA The 20th Kansai Amateur Radio Festival "KANHAM 2015"
(8N3AA: Fixed, 8J3XX: Mobile)
Apr. 1Mar. 21 - July 19, 2015 1
            M   8N7T5X The 50th Anniversay of the Reconstructed Central Tower of Tsuruga-jo Castle Mar. 21 - July 31, 2015 2
            M   8N3RIMPA The 400th Anniversary Festival of Rimpa
(Rimpa: a word made by combining two Kanji characters (1) "Rin" from the name of Korin Ogata (1658-1716), a painter succeeding to Sotatsu Tawaraya (?-?) and Koetsu Hon'ami (1558-1637); and (2) "Ha" (or "Pa") meaning "faction" or "school")
Mar. 21 - Dec. 31, 2015 N
            M   8N5MG10A The 10th Anniversary of Marugame-city's Merger Mar. 22 - June 30, 2015 N

Special-event stations celebrate specific expositions, anniversaries and so on.
Moreover, ARISS school contact stations can be guest-operated by non licensed elementary and junior high schoolers.
Both are eligible for a temporary 2×1-2×5 call sign with a prefix 8J or 8N.

Call signs and operating periods are subject to change. Furthermore, having possibilities to be cancelled. Information obtained from the web sites of JARL — HQ, district branches and prefectural branches —, local clubs, etc.

Please note that the following stations also share a 8J prefix, but on a permanent basis:

QSL Card General Policy — Unilateral via the Bureau
Do not send your QSL to me (JJ1WTL), I am not a QSL manager for any of these stations!
  1. Commemorative Stations (= Special Event Stations)
    1. JARL's
      1. "1" — Specially Commemorative (For National Events)
        • Their QSL .... They unilaterally/automatically issue their QSL to you via the bureau.
        • Your QSL .... You don't need to send your QSL to them.
          Even more, you would be better to refrain it, in restraint of the bureaus' load.

      2. "2" — Special (For Local Events)

    2. "N" — Other Organizations'
      • Their QSL .... They issue their QSL to you via the bureau.
      • Your QSL .... Case by case, while they unilaterally/automatically issue their QSL to you via the bureau in the most case.

  2. "A" — ARISS school contact stations, under their publicity campaign before/after their ISS contact
    • Their QSL .... They issue their QSL to you via the bureau.
    • Your QSL .... Case by case. They sometimes expect your QSL via the bureau, for educational purpose.
      i.e. Your QSL will become one of the commemorations of their great achievement.
      Please go by their announcement.
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