
[開設情報](EN) [Eventごと] [Suffixごと] [Yearごと] [その他情報] (callsign.jp) (Menu)

[2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002]

JA's Special Event / ARISS School Contact Temporary / Experience Temporary Stations in FY2023
1: JARL Specially Commemorative Station, 2: JARL Special Station, N: Non-JARL Special-Event Station; E: Experience Temporary Station
Operating Month(s) W
Event Accurate
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J4S Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet
(8J4N ... Fixed, 8J4S ... Mobile)
June 21, 2019 - N
   J          8J4N July 21 - 22, 2023 N
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J1MA The 20th Minamiarupusu-city Apr. 1, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2024 2
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J1YAC Zushi(-city) and Hayama(-town) Amateur Radio Club Communication Experience Station Apr. 1, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2024 E
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J2YAA Events by JARL Tokai-district and Its Four Prefectural Branches Apr. 1, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2024 2
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J280TK The 80th Anniversary of Toyokawa-city Apr. 1, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2024 N
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J7UOA The 30th Anniversary of University of Aizu Apr. 1, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2024 N
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8J1YAD Utsunomiya(-city) Boy Scout Troop 12 Experience Station Apr. 8, 2023 - Apr. 7, 2024 E
  JJAS ONDJFM   8J1JARL JARL Kanto-district Amateur Radio Activating Campaign June 1, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2024 2
  JJAS ONDJFM   8J5TOSA Trying a Communication with Antarctica / Communication Experience with Domestic Amateur Stations June 25, 2023 - Apr. 30, 2024 2
   JAS ONDJFM   8J1ECL The 70th Anniversary of The Electrical Communication Laboratory July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024 N
     S ONDJFM   8J1MZ40Y The 40th Anniversary of Mutsuzawa-town Aug. 28, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2024 N
       ONDJFM H 8J170HC The 70th Anniversary of Hanno-city Oct. 1, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2024 2
         DJFM   8N1ITF The 50th Anniversary of Tsukuba University
Dec. 6, 2023 - Sept. 30, 2024 N
          JFM   8J6HAM The 21st West Japan Ham Fair Jan. 1 - Mar. 20, 2024 2
          JFM   8J2GERO The 20th Anniversary of Gero-city Jan. 1 - Dec. 30, 2024 2
          JFM H 8J1AOBA The 30th Anniversary of Aoba-ward, Yokohama-city Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2024 N
          JFM   8J7KFC The 100th Anniversary of Koriyama-city
(SDGs Future City)
Jan. 9 - Dec. 31, 2024 2
          JFM   8N1CS70Y The 70th Anniversary of Chosei-village Jan. 14 - June 30, 2024 2
           F    8J1MITO Festivals in Mito(-city) Feb. 14? - , 2024 N
            M   8N1MOMO The 48th Koga(-city) Momo (or Peach) Festival Mar. 1 - Apr. 7, 2024 2
            M   8J5TOBE The 39th Tobe-yaki Porcelain Festival Mar. 1 - Apr. 30, 2024 2
            M   8J0GOSEN Festivals in Gosen-city Mar. 1 - May 31, 2024 N
            M   8J2HHH The 20th Anniversary of Lake Hamanako Hana (or Flower) Haku (or Expo)
"Lake Hamanako Hana (or Flower) Haku (or Expo) 2024"
Mar. 1 - June 16, 2024 2
            M   8J7KJ4O The 40th Anniversary of Sanriku Railway
(between Kuji-city and Ofunato-city)
Mar. 7 - Sept. 29, 2024 N
            M   8J4SNP The 90th Anniversary of Setonaikai National Park Mar. 16 - June 30, 2024 2
              M   8N3XXV3I The 28th Kansai Amateur Radio Festival "KANHAM 2024"
(8N3XXV3I ... Fixed, 8J328A ... Mobile)
Mar. 30 - July 14, 2024 1
8J328A 1
                  Extension of Hokuriku Shinkansen to Tsuruga(-city)    
    ?? ?        8N4RSK? The 19th Wasshoi Wansaka Kibikogen Highlands Festa — RSK Radio Festival! All People to Gather!
(RSK: Sanyo Broadcasting Co., Ltd., former Radio Sanyo K.K. (K.K.: Kabushiki Kaisha or Co. Ltd.))
     ? ??       8J4OM? Okayama Marathon 2023   N
Operating Month(s) W
Event Accurate
AMJJAS ONDJFM   JR0ZHN Okuwa-village Disaster Volunteers Amateur Radio Club Experience Station Sept. 17 - Oct, 31, 2021
Nov. 1, 2022 - Sept. 16, 2026
AMJ             8J1YAE (An experience station by) Setagaya-city Staff Radio Club June 29, 2022 - June 30, 2023 E
AM              8J1YAN Volunteer Club with Amateur Radio as a Hobby July 6, 2022 - May 10, 2023 E
AMJJ            8J1YAO Suginami-city Amateur Radio Club Experience Station July 7, 2022 - July 6, 2023 E
A               8J1YAP Itabashi(-city) Science and Education Hall Amateur Radio Club Experience Station July 8, 2022 - Apr. 30, 2023 E
AM              8J1YAQ AMPLET Experience Station July 12, 2022 - May 30, 2023 E
AMJJ            8N6YAA Okinawa Amateur Radio Experience Temporary Station Aug. 1, 2022 - July 31, 2023 E
AMJJA           8J3YAG Notre Dame Jogakuin (or Girls') Junior and Senior High School Experience Station Sept. 1. 2022 - Aug. 31, 2023 E
AMJJA           8J4YAD (An Experience Station by) Tamano 78 Club Sept. 14. 2022 - Aug. 31, 2023 E
AMJJAS          8J6YAB (An Experience Station by) Fukuoka Institute of Technology Radio Club Oct. 1, 2022 - Sept. 30, 2023 E
AMJJAS          8J7YAA (An Experience Station by) Southern Yamagata-prefecture Amateur Radio Club Oct. 1, 2022 - Sept. 30, 2023 E
AMJJAS          8J1YAS (An Experience Station by) Tokai University Amateur Radio Club Oct. 3, 2022 - Sept. 30, 2023 E
AMJJAS O        8J3YBS Boy Scouts Hyogo-prefecture Oct. 3, 2022 - Oct. 2, 2023 N
AMJJA           8J2YAC (An Experience Station by) Boy Scouts Troops 11, Atami(-city) Ham Club Oct. 14, 2022 - Aug. 20, 2023 E
AMJJAS ON       8J150TGU The 150th Anniversary of Tokyo Gakugei University Nov. 6, 2022 - Nov. 5, 2023 N
AMJJAS          8N2YAB (An Experience Station by) Shizuoka University Faculty of Engineering Hamamatsu Rainbow Dec. 1, 2022 - Sept. 30, 2023 E
AMJJAS OND      8N1789FM The 30th Anniversary of Shonan Beach FM Dec. 4, 2022 - Dec. 3, 2023 N
AMJJAS ONDJ     8N3N Nara-city Disaster Prevention Awareness Raising Support Jan. 4, 2023 - Jan. 3, 2024 2
AMJJ            8J5YAB Matsuyama(-city) Amateur Radio Experience Club Jan. 6 - July 5, 2023 E
A               8J1M The 31st General Assembly of the Japan Medical Congress 2023 Tokyo Feb. 1 - Apr. 30, 2023 N
AMJJAS ONDJF    8J7YAC MMS Communication Experience Station
(MMS:Society of Making Minamisoma(-city) into a Sacred Place of Radio Communications)
Feb. 11, 2023 - Feb. 10, 2024 E
AMJJAS O        8J1MITO Festivals in Mito(-city) Feb. 18 - Oct. 31, 2023 N
A               8J5TOBE The 38th Tobe-yaki Porcelain Festival Mar. 1 - Apr. 30, 2023 2
AMJJAS ON       8J0GOSEN Festivals in Gosen-city Mar. 1 - Nov. 30, 2023 N
AMJJAS ONDJF    8J4YAE Boy Scout 1st Tabuse Group Amateur Radio Experience Station Mar. 1, 2023 - Feb. 29, 2024 E
A               8J1YAY Tokyo Institute of Technology Experience Station Mar. 15 - Apr. 28, 2023 E
AMJ             8J1AYAME The 72nd Suigo Itako Ayame Matsuri (or Water District Itako(-city) Iris Festival) Mar. 25 - June 25, 2023 2
A               8N23G Dosan Festival
(Dosan: Saito Dosan, 1494–1556, a feudal lord)
Apr. 1 - 2, 2023 2
AM              8J4ROSE Fukuyama(-city) Rose Festival 2023 Apr. 1 - May 28, 2023 2
AMJ             8N7HANA The 40th Japan Parks and Urban Green Fair in Sendai(-city) Apr. 1 - June 30, 2023 2
AMJ J             8N3AND The 27th Kansai Amateur Radio Festival "KANHAM 2023"
(&: The 27th letter in the alphabet in the past)
(8N3AND ... Fixed, 8J3XXVII ... Mobile)
Apr. 1 - July 16, 2023 1
AMJJ            8J2NZ The 100th Anniversary of Numazu-city Apr. 1 - July 31, 2023 2
AMJJA         H 8N7G The 73th National Tree-Planting Ceremony 2023 in Iwate(-prefecture) Apr. 1 - Aug. 31, 2023 N
AMJJAS          8J2TKI The 55th Tokai(-district) Ham Festival Apr. 1 - Sept. 24, 2023 1
AMJJAS          8N430HIA The 30th Anniversary of Hagi Iwami Airport Apr. 1 - Sept. 30, 2023 N
AMJJAS ON       8J2KSG The 80th Anniversary of Kasugai-city Apr. 1 - Nov. 30, 2023 2
AMJJAS OND      8N1MTD The 80th Anniversary of Matsudo-city Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023 N
AMJJAS OND      8N3TK The 80th Anniversary of Takatsuki-city Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023 N
AMJJAS OND      8J4YAA Takebe-town Wireless IoT Club Experience Station Jan. 1 - Dec. 31, 2023 E
AMJJAS ONDJFM   8N7100NS The 100th Anniversary of Nagai-sen Railway Line Apr. 1, 2023 - Mar. 31, 2024 Dec. 31, 2023 N
A               8J6MATUE "Tokakuji no Matsue," an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property
(A Ritual of Shugendo)
(Shugendo: Japanese mountain asceticism, incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts)
Apr. 9 - 20, 2023 2
A               8J9G7EM G7 Summit G7 Toyama Kanazawa Education Ministers' Meeting Apr. 15 - 30, 2023 N
AMJ               8J4VLP QRP Day Apr. 21 - June 30, 2023 1
AMJ J             8J6VLP Apr. 26 - July 31, 2023 1
AMJ               8J9VLP Apr. 20 - June 30, 2023 1
AMJJAS OND      8J7WICHI The 100th Anniversary of Uichi Torikata, the Father of the Radio's Death Apr. 24 - Dec. 31, 2023 N
AM              8J6DON Hakata Dontaku Port Festival
(Dontaku: a Dutch word Zontag, meaning a holiday)
Apr. 29 - May 5, 2023 2
 M              8J1ITU World Telecommunication and Information Society Day May 1 - 31, 2023 N
 MJ             8J4FF 2023 Hiroshima Flower Festival May 1 - June 11, 2023 2
 MJJA           8J88RL The 50th Anniversary of JARL's Eight Branches in Hokkaido-district May 1 - Aug. 31, 2023 2
 MJJAS O        8J7TT The 55th Anniversary of the Finding of the Itsukaichi Constitution Draft by Chiba (or Tiba) Takusaburo May 1 - Oct. 31, 2023 N
 M              8J4G7S G7 Hiroshima Summit May 13 - 21, 2023 1
 MJ             8J9IC Infomation Comunication Month May 15 - June 15, 2023 N
  J             8J9UNA The 100th Anniversary of Unazuki Onsen (or Hot Spring) June 1 - 30, 2023 N
  JJ            8N051S The 51st JARL Nagano Prefectural Branch Meeting June 1 - July 16, 2023 2
  JJAS          8J1KISTC Kanagawa(-prefecture) Science Summer 2023
(KISTC: Kanagawa Institute of Industrial Science and Technology)
June 23 - July 29, 2023 N
  JJAS          8J8HAM The 7th Hokkaido(-prerecture) Ham Fair June 23 - Sept. 24, 2023 1
    J             8N1HQ 2023 IARU HF World Championship July 1 - July 9, 2023 1
8N2HQ 1
8N2HQ 1
8N3HQ 1
8N6HQ 1
8N7HQ 1
8N8HQ 1
8N8HQ 1
   JA           8J1HAM 2023 Amateur Radio Festival "Ham Fair 2023" July 1 - Aug. 20, 2023 1
   JA           8J6SWIM The 19th FINA World Aquatics Championships - Fukuoka 2023
The 19th FINA World Aquatics Masters Championship 2023
July 1 - Aug. 31, 2023 1
   JAS O        8N5CLEAN Clean Reception Environment Month July 1 - Oct. 31, 2023 2
     S O        8J8CLN Sept. 1 - Oct. 31, 2023 2
       O        8N9C Oct. 1 - 31, 2023 2
     S O        8N0CC Sept. 23 - Oct. 31, 2023 2
    ?           8N5JAZZ Imabari Jazz Town Festival Aug. 1 - 31, 2023 2
    AS O        8J7ARDF The 31st All Japan ARDF Athletic Meet Aug. 1 - Oct. 31, 2023 1
     S O        8J6KK Special National Athletic Meet / Special Japan Disabled Sports Association Sept. 8 - Oct. 30, 2023 1
       ON       8J2TESR Toyota(-city)'s "Being Smiley Face" Civic Activities Rally
(in Japanese: Toyota no Egao ni Naru Shimin Katsudo Rally)
Oct. 1 - Nov. 30, 2023 N
       ON       8J9SUZU Oku-noto Triennale 2023 (in Suzu-city)
(Oku-noto: Remotest area in Noto Peninsula)
Oct. 2 - Nov. 12, 2023 N
       ON       8J23G Gifu(-city) Nobuanga Festival Oct. 15 - Nov. 5, 2023 2
       ONDJ     8J130TAM The 130th Anniversaary of Tama-area's Jurisdiction Transfer from Kanagawa-pref. to Tokyo-pref. Oct. 25, 2023 - Jan. 31, 2024 2
       ON       8N1ITH The 59th Iso-ko-sai
(School Festival of Isogo Technical Senior High School)
Oct. 30 - Nov. 12, 2023 N
       ON       8J6BAL 2023 Saga International Baloon Festa Oct. 31 - Nov. 30, 2023 2
        ND      8J670FUK The 70th Anniversary of the reversion of Amami Islands. to Japan Nov. 19 - Dec. 25, 2023 2
         D    H 8N2YOTA December YOTA Month 2023 Dec. 1 - 31, 2023 N
          JF    8J8SSF The 74th Sapporo(-city) Snow Festival Jan. 6 - Feb. 11, 2024 2
          JF    8J60KKC The 60th Anniversary of Kitakyushu-city Jan. 10 - Feb. 9, 2024 2

Special-event stations celebrate spfic expositions, anniversaries and so on.
ARISS school contact stations can be guest-operated by non licensed elementary and junior high schoolers, only in the case of contacting International Space Station.
Both are eligible for a temporary 2×1-2×5 call sign with a prefix 8J or 8N (Exception: 8[J|N]#OLYMPICJA1TOKYO).
Experience temporary stations, sequentially assigned from 8J#YAA — the system was launched in 2020 — can be guest-operated by non licensed persons without an age limit.

Call signs and operating periods are subject to change. Furthermore, having possibilities to be cancelled. Information obtained from the web sites of JARL — HQ, district branches and prefectural branches —, local clubs, etc.

Please note that the following unique stations also share a 8J prefix, but on a permanent basis:

QSL Card General Policy — Unilateral via the Bureau
Do not send your QSL to me (JJ1WTL), I am not a QSL manager for any of these stations!
  1. Commemorative Stations (= Special Event Stations)
    1. JARL's
      1. "1" — Specially Commemorative (For National Events)
        • Their QSL .... They unilaterally/automatically issue their QSL to you via the bureau.
        • Your QSL .... You don't need to send your QSL to them.
          Even more, you would be better to refrain it, in restraint of the bureaus' load.

      2. "2" — Special (For Local Events)

    2. "N" — Other Organizations'
      • Their QSL .... They issue their QSL to you via the bureau.
      • Your QSL .... Case by case, while they unilaterally/automatically issue their QSL to you via the bureau in the most case.

  2. "E" — Experience temporary stations
    • Their QSL .... They automatically issue their QSL to you via the bureau.
    • Your QSL .... Case by case. They sometimes expect your QSL via the bureau.
      Please go by their announcement.

[2024] [2023] [2022] [2021] [2020] [2019] [2018] [2017] [2016] [2015] [2014] [2013] [2012] [2011] [2010] [2009] [2008] [2007] [2006] [2005] [2004] [2003] [2002]

[開設情報](EN) [Eventごと] [Suffixごと] [Yearごと] [その他情報] (callsign.jp) (Menu)