8J3N | 奈良県2m SSB愛好会創立40周年
The 40th Anniversary of Nara(-prefecure) Two-meter SSB Lovers (Association) |
大和郡山市 Yamatokoriyama-city |
2018-04-01/2019-03-31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8N3N | 国民文化祭・京都2011
National Cultural Festival (or Kokumin Bunka Sai) in Kyoto 2011 |
京都市南区 Minami-ward, Kyoto-city |
2010-11-13/2011-11-30 | JARL京都府支部記念局実行委員会(京都クラブ(JE3YEK))
Commemorative Staiton Executive Committee of JARL Kyoto Prefectural Branch (Kyoto Club, JE3YEK) |
Nara-city Disaster Prevention Awareness Raising Support |
奈良市 Nara-city |
2023-01-04/2024-01-03 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J4N | 見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー
Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet |
広島市安芸区 Aki-ward, Hiroshima-city |
2018-06-14/08-31 | 見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー記念局 Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet Commemorative Station |
見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー (固定)
Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet (Fixed) |
広島市安芸区 Aki-ward, Hiroshima-city |
2020-07-10/2021-07-11 | 見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー記念局 Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet Commemorative Station |
見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー (固定)
Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet (Fixed) |
広島市安芸区 Aki-ward, Hiroshima-city |
2021-07-15/18 | 見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー記念局 Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet Commemorative Station |
見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー (固定)
Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet (Fixed) |
広島市安芸区 Aki-ward, Hiroshima-city |
2022-07-22/23 | 見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー記念局 Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet Commemorative Station |
見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー (固定)
Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet (Fixed) |
広島市安芸区 Aki-ward, Hiroshima-city |
2023-07-21/22 | 見ぬ友と心結ぶのろしリレー記念局 Smoke signal (or Noroshi) to Connect Hearts among Friends Not Met Yet Commemorative Station |
8J6N | 那珂川市市制施行
Municipalisation of Nakagawa-city |
那珂川町 Nakagawa-town 那珂川市 Nakagawa-city |
2018-07-01/12-31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J9N | 第31回全国健康福祉祭とやま大会「ねんりんピック富山2018」
The 31st All Japan Health and Welfare Festival in Toyama |
黒部市 Kurobe-city |
2018-08-01/11-06 | 日本アマチュア無線連盟富山県支部(JH9YAA) JARL Toyama Prefectural Branch, JH9YAA |
8J0N | 長岡市市制100周年 The 100th Anniversary of Nagaoka-city |
長岡市 Nagaoka-city |
2006-04-01/06-30 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J3N … 8J3N2Sから,開設期間中にコールサインを急遽変更(∵わかりにくい).i.e. 前年度の8J3N2Sとおなじ局. 8N3N … 計5局がしつらえられた:8N3B・8N3U・8N3N・8N3K・8N3A. 8J4N … 2018年は水害のため,実運用はなし.