8J50IARU | IARU第3地域設立50周年
The 50th Anniversary of IARU Region 3 |
高松市 Takamatsu-city |
2018-07-17/10-31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J60JARE | 南極観測60周年
(JARE: Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition) The 60th Anniversary of the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition |
福岡市城南区(昭和基地) Jonan-ward, Fukoka-city (Syowa-base) |
2017-01-01/2018-01-20頃 | 南極OB会アマチュア無線クラブ(のちJR8YPJを取得)
Antarctica OBs Amateur Radio Club, later JR8YPJ |
8J50JARL | 第50回JARL通常総会
The 50th JARL Annual General Meeting |
高知市 Kochi-city |
2008-03-01/05-25 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8J80JDOX | 初代南極観測船「宗谷」竣工80周年
The 80th Anniversary of the Launch of Soya, the First Antarctica Observation Ship (JDOX: Call sign of Soya) |
室蘭市 Muroran-city |
2018-10-13/12-31 | 南極OB会アマチュア無線クラブ(JR8YPJ)
Antarctica OB Society Amateur Radio Club, JR8YPJ |
8N60JLRS | JLRS設立60周年
(JLRS: Japan Ladies Radio Society) The 60th Anniversary of the JLRS (JLRS: Japan Ladies Radio Society) | 姶良市 Aira-city |
2017-04-01/2018-03-31 | JLRS: Japan Ladies Radio Society(JA1YWM) |
8J10NICT | 情報通信研究機構(NICT)創立10周年/鹿島支所開設50周年/関西支所(KARC)開設25周年
The 10th Anniversary of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology The 50th Anniversary of Its Kashima Space Technology Center The 25th Anniversary of Its Kansai Advanced Research Center |
小金井市 Koganei-city |
2014-03-15/09-15 | 無線通信研究アニバーサリーアマチュア無線記念局リレー実行委員会(電波研究所アマチュア無線クラブ(JR1YPU))
Executive Committee of Amateur Radio Commemorative Station's Relay for Radio Communication Research Anniversary (Radio Wave Laboratory Amateur Radio Club, JR1YPU) |
8N2021GF | ねんりんピック岐阜2021
[行事中止~8月31日で運用中止] "Nenrin-pic (or Annual-ring-pic)" in Gifu(-prerecture) 2021 (The 33rd All Japan Health and Welfare Festival Gifu(-prerecture)) |
2021-08-01/11-02 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8N2020GF | 【開設中止】ねんりんピック岐阜2020
[Event itself postponed to 2021 due to COVID-19] |
2020-08-01/11-03 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J100EIC | 電子情報通信学会100周年
The 100th Anniversary of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication |
武蔵野市 Musashino-city |
2017-07-01/2018-03-31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8N100ICT | 平磯無線100周年/標準電波JJY75周年/情報通信研究機構(NICT)国立研究開発法人化
The 100th Anniversary of Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center The 75th Anniversary of JJY, a standard time and frequency signals station (both operated by NICT (National Institute of Information and Communications Technology) NICT's Migration to a National Research and Development Agency |
小金井市 Koganei-city |
2014-12-01/2015-11-30 | 無線通信研究アニバーサリーアマチュア無線記念局リレー実行委員会(電波研究所アマチュア無線クラブ(JR1YPU))
Executive Committee of Amateur Radio Commemorative Station's Relay for Radio Communication Research Anniversary (Radio Wave Laboratory Amateur Radio Club, JR1YPU) |
8J100JRC | 日本の無線の歴史(無線電信法)100周年/日本無線創立100周年
The 100th Anniversary of the Wireless Telegraphy Law (obsoleted) The 100th Anniversary of Japan Radio Co.,Ltd. |
三鷹市 Mitaka-city |
2015-08-01/2016-03-31 | 日本無線アマチュア無線クラブ(JJ1ZXE)
JRC Amateur Radio Club, JJ1ZXE |
8J100KED | 川越市市制100周年
The 100th Anniversary of Kawagoe-city |
川越市 Kawagoe-city |
2022-07-01/12-31 | JARL特別局
JARL Special |
8J100MAB | 流鉄開業100周年 (松戸) (流山(ながれやま)~馬橋(まばし))
The 100th Anniversary of Nagareyama-line (between Mabashi and Nagareyama, operated by Ryutetsu Co., Ltd.) |
松戸市 Matsudo-city |
2016-01-01/06-30 | 松戸アマチユア無線クラブ(JA1YGT)
Matsudo Amateur Radio Club, JA1YGT |
8N100MKA | 武蔵国分寺跡 国史跡指定100周年
The 100th Anniversary of the registration of the Ruins of Musashi Kokubunji Temple as a National Histric Site |
国分寺市 Kokubunji-city |
2022-11-06/2023-03-31 | 国分寺市アマチュア無線クラブ(JH1ZSL)
Kokubunji-city Amateur Radio Club, JH1ZSL |
8N100NAG | 流鉄開業100周年 (流山) (流山(ながれやま)~馬橋(まばし))
The 100th Anniversary of Nagareyama-line (between Mabashi and Nagareyama, operated by Ryutetsu Co., Ltd.) |
流山市 Nagareyama-city |
2016-01-01/06-30 | 松戸アマチユア無線クラブ(JA1YGT)
Matsudo Amateur Radio Club, JA1YGT |
8N100NIT | 日本工業大学 学園創立100周年
The 100th Anniversary of Nippon Institute of Technology |
宮代町 Miyashiro-town |
2007-10-06/2008-03-31 | 日本工業大学無線クラブ(JA1YYE)
Nippon Institute of Technology Radio Club, JA1YYE |
8J100TYK | 実用無線電話発明100周年
The 100th Year from Invention of World First Practical Radiotelephone (Invented by Uichi Torigata, Eitaro Yokoyama and Seijiro Kitamura) |
厚木市 Atsugi-city |
2011-09-02/2012-07-29 | 実用無線電話発明100周年記念局実行委員会(アンリツ厚木アマチュア無線クラブ(JE1YEM))
Executive Committee of the-100th-Year-from-Invention-of-Practical-Radiotelephone Commemorative Station (Anritsu Atsugi Amateur Radio Club, JE1YEM)) |
8J100UEC | 電気通信大学100周年
(8N1UEC…在校生,8J100UEC…卒業生) The 100th Anniversary of The University of Electro-Communications (8N1UEC: Students, 8J100UEC: Alumni) |
調布市 Chofu-city |
2018-07-15/2019-02-28 | 電気通信大学無線の会
The University of Electro-Communications Radio Society |
8N2005HM | 天竜川・浜名湖12市町村地域合併
Consolidation of Twelve Municipalities — Hamamatsu-city and Neighbors |
浜松市 Hamamatsu-city |
2005-07-01/09-30 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8N2020GF … 8N2020GFJN夏号で告知も,対象行事の延期のため開設中止に.CQ誌2020年9月号p.137脚注にて中止を告知.地方本部Webでの事前情報では,8J2020GF.