8J49JARL | 第49回JARL通常総会「晴れの国おかやま総会」
The 49th JARL Annual General Meeting in "Hare-no-kuni" (or "Land of Sunshine"), Okayama |
中国地方各県 Chugoku-district |
2007-01-07/05-20 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8N1961AK | アキシマクジラ化石発見60周年 アキシマエンシスでの化石レプリカ展示 The 60th Anniversary of the Discovery of a Whale Fossil "Akishima(-city) Kujira (or Whale)" Display of a Fossil Replica at Akishimaensis |
昭島市 Akishima-city |
2021-07-04/09-05 | 昭島市アマチュア無線同好会(JQ1ZCK) Akishima-city Amateur Radio Club, JQ1ZCK |
8J190ISG | 磯子区区制90周年
The 90th Anniversary of Isogo-ward (in Yokohama-city) |
横浜市磯子区 Isogo-ward, Yokohama-city |
2017-04-01/12-31 | JARL横浜磯子クラブ(JK1YSD)
JARL Yokohama Isogo Club, JK1YSD |