8J5JAJF | 今治市農業漁業祭 (Japan Agricultural Cooperatives(農協)・Japan Fisheries Cooperatives(漁協))
Imabari-city Agriculture and Fishery Festival ((JA: Japan Agricultural Cooperatives, JF: Japan Fisheries Cooperatives) |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2015-11-01/08 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J1JARL | JARL関東地方本部アマチュア無線活性化キャンペーン
JARL Kanto-district Amateur Radio Activating Campaign |
豊島区 Toshima-city |
2020-10-01/2021-03-31 | JARL特別局 兼 体験局 JARL Special JARL Experience |
JARL Kanto-district Amateur Radio Activating Campaign |
豊島区 Toshima-city |
2021-04-01/2022-03-31 | JARL特別局 兼 体験局 JARL Special Experience |
JARL Kanto-district Amateur Radio Activating Campaign |
豊島区 Toshima-city |
2022-04-01/2023-03-31 | JARL特別局 兼 体験局 JARL Special Experience |
JARL Kanto-district Amateur Radio Activating Campaign |
豊島区 Toshima-city |
2023-06-01/2024-03-31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8N1JARL | JARL新法人移行
New Formation JARL (JARL's Transition from an "Incorporated Association" to a "General Incorporated Association," to comply with Japan's Reform of Public Service Corporations) |
木更津市 Kisarazu-city |
2012-01-01/03-31 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8J4JARL | JARL中国地方本部アマチュア無線活性化青少年体験運用特別局
JARL Chugoku-district Amateur Radio Activation and Youngsters' Experiencing Operation |
2021-05-01/2022-03-31 | JARL特別局 兼 体験局 JARL Special Experience |
JARL Chugoku-district Amateur Radio Activation and Youngsters' Experiencing Operation |
2022-04-01/2023-03-31 | JARL特別局 兼 体験局 JARL Special Experience |
8N5JARL | JARL新法人移行
New Formation JARL (JARL's Transition from an "Incorporated Association" to a "General Incorporated Association," to comply with Japan's Reform of Public Service Corporations) |
松山市 Matsuyama-city |
2012-01-01/03-31 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8N6JARL | JARL新法人移行
New Formation JARL (JARL's Transition from an "Incorporated Association" to a "General Incorporated Association," to comply with Japan's Reform of Public Service Corporations) |
熊本市 Kumamoto-city |
2012-03-05/03-31 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8N7JARL | 第47回JARL通常総会
The 47th JARL Annual General Meeting |
仙台市 Sendai-city |
2005-03-12/05-31 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8N8JARL | JARL新法人移行
New Formation JARL (JARL's Transition from an "Incorporated Association" to a "General Incorporated Association," to comply with Japan's Reform of Public Service Corporations) |
岩見沢市 Iwamizawa-city |
2012-01-01/03-31 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8N9JARL | JARL新法人移行
New Formation JARL (JARL's Transition from an "Incorporated Association" to a "General Incorporated Association," to comply with Japan's Reform of Public Service Corporations) |
射水市 Imizu-city |
2012-01-01/03-31 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8N0JARL | JARL新法人移行
New Formation JARL (JARL's Transition from an "Incorporated Association" to a "General Incorporated Association," to comply with Japan's Reform of Public Service Corporations) |
岡谷市 Okaya-city |
2012-01-01/03-31 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8J1JAUS | 日米相互運用協定締結30周年
The 30th Anniversary of the Japan-U.S. Reciprocal Operating Agreement |
杉並区 Suginami-city |
2015-08-08/2016-02-29 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J5JAZZ | 2012 今治ジャズタウン
2012 Imabari Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2012-08-01/31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
2014 今治ジャズタウン
2014 Imabari Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2014-08-01/31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
2016 今治ジャズタウン
2016 Imabari(-city) Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2016-08-01/31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
2018 今治ジャズタウン
2018 Imabari(-city) Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2018-08-01/31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
令和4年 今治ジャズタウン
2022 Imabari(-city) Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2022-08-01/31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8N5JAZZ | 2013 今治ジャズタウン
2013 Imabari Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2013-08-01/31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
2015 今治ジャズタウン
2015 Imabari(-city) Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2015-08-01/31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
2017 今治ジャズタウン
2017 Imabari(-city) Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2017-08-01/28 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
2019年 今治ジャズタウン
2019 Imabari(-city) Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2019-08-01/31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
2023 Imabari(-city) Jazz Town |
今治市 Imabari-city |
2023-08-01/31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J7JAZZ | 定禅寺ストリートジャズフェスティバル
The 16th Johzenji Streetjazz Festival in Sendai |
仙台市 Sendai-city |
2006-08-10/09-10 | 仙台チューニングDXクラブ(JH7YES)
Sendai Tuning DX Club, JH7YES |
8J1JOCV | 青年海外協力隊創設50周年
The 50th Anniversary of the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers |
寒川町 Samukawa-town |
2015-06-01/2016-03-31 | JOCV-NET無線クラブ(JQ1ZNJ)
JOCV-NET Radio Club, JQ1ZNJ |
8J7JODO | 平泉世界遺産登録
World Heritage Registration of Hiraizumi (Jodo: A pure land in Buddhism) The 50th Anniversary of the Miyagi Prefectural Police The 30th JPHC(Japan Police Ham Communication) All Japan General Meeting in Miyagi |
一関市 Ichinoseki-city |
2011-07-25/2012-03-31 | JARLグリーンクラブ(JA7ZBB)
JARL Green Club, JA7ZBB |
8J1JOTA | 日本ボーイスカウトアマチュア無線クラブJOTA体験局
Nippon Boy Scout Amateur Radio Club JOTA Experience Station |
杉並区 Suginami-city |
2020-10-01/31 | 日本ボーイスカウトアマチュア無線クラブ(JA1YSS) 兼 体験局 Nippon Boy Scout Amateur Radio Club, JA1YSS Experience |
(JOTA: Jamboree on the Air, JOTI: Jamboree on the Internet) |
2021-10-01/31 (実運用:10-16/17) |
日本ボーイスカウトアマチュア無線クラブ(JA1YSS) 兼 体験局 Nippon Boy Scout Amateur Radio Club, JA1YSS Experience |
(JOTA: Jamboree on the Air, JOTI: Jamboree on the Internet) |
2022-09-30/10-31 (実運用:10-14/16) |
日本ボーイスカウトアマチュア無線クラブ(JA1YSS) 兼 体験局 Nippon Boy Scout Amateur Radio Club, JA1YSS Experience |
(JOTA: Jamboree on the Air, JOTI: Jamboree on the Internet) |
2022-10-01/31 (実運用:10-14/16) |
日本ボーイスカウトアマチュア無線クラブ(JA1YSS) 兼 体験局 Nippon Boy Scout Amateur Radio Club, JA1YSS Experience |
(JOTA: Jamboree on the Air, JOTI: Jamboree on the Internet) |
2022-10-01/31 (実運用:10-16/17) |
日本ボーイスカウトアマチュア無線クラブ(JA1YSS) 兼 体験局 Nippon Boy Scout Amateur Radio Club, JA1YSS Experience |
(JOTA: Jamboree on the Air, JOTI: Jamboree on the Internet) |
2021-10-01/31 (実運用:10-16/17) |
日本ボーイスカウトアマチュア無線クラブ(JA1YSS) 兼 体験局 Nippon Boy Scout Amateur Radio Club, JA1YSS Experience |
(JOTA: Jamboree on the Air, JOTI: Jamboree on the Internet) |
2022-09-30/10-31 (実運用:10-14/16) |
日本ボーイスカウトアマチュア無線クラブ(JA1YSS) 兼 体験局 Nippon Boy Scout Amateur Radio Club, JA1YSS Experience |
(JOTA: Jamboree on the Air, JOTI: Jamboree on the Internet) |
2022-10-01/31 (実運用:10-14/16) |
日本ボーイスカウトアマチュア無線クラブ(JA1YSS) 兼 体験局 Nippon Boy Scout Amateur Radio Club, JA1YSS Experience |
8N1JPHC | 日本警友ハム連絡会 全国総会埼玉大会開催記念
National Meeting of the Japan Police Ham Communication (Club) in Siatama(-pref.) |
さいたま市浦和区 Urawa-ward, Saiama-city |
2018-10-01/12-31 | 埼玉県警察ハムクラブ(JH1YNM)
Saitama Prefectural Police Ham Culb, JH1YNM |
8N7JPHC | 宮城県警察創立50周年記念
第30回JPHC(Japan Police Ham Communication)全国総会 宮城大会 The 50th Anniversary of the Miyagi Prefectural Police The 30th JPHC(Japan Police Ham Communication) All Japan General Meeting in Miyagi |
仙台市 Sendai-city |
2005-06-01/07-31 | JARL特別記念局 JARL Specially Commemorative |
8J8JRCV | 北海道無線赤十字奉仕団50周年
The 50th Anniversary of Japanese Red Cross Radio Volunteer Corps in Hokkaido |
天塩町 Teshio-town |
2014-04-01/10-31 | 北海道無線赤十字奉仕団協議会創立50周年記念局(北海道無線赤十字奉仕団協議会)
Japanese Red Cross Radio Volunteer Corps in Hokkaido |
8J2JSTY | 「ふじ」(呼出符号JSTY)(名古屋港ガーデンふ頭公開)30周年
The 30th Anniversary of the Exhibit of an ex-Ice Breaker "Fuji," JSTY |
名古屋市港区 Minato-ward, Nagoya-city |
2015-08-14/10-25 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J7JUMP | 仙台・宮城デスティネーションキャンペーン,被災者・被災地の飛躍・発展祈願
Sendai-Miyagi Destination Campaign, Support for Leap and Development of the Disaster Victims and Areas (Jump: Leap) |
仙台市泉区 Izumi-ward, Sendai-city |
2013-04-01/2014-03-31 | 仙台チューニングDXクラブ(JH7YES)
Sendai Tuning DX Club, JH7YES |
8J7JUMP… 仙台チューニングDXクラブ(JH7YES)による記念局の変遷はこちら.