8J1IC | 市原市市制50周年 The 50th Anniversary of Ichihara-city |
市原市 Ichikawa-city |
2013-04-01/2014-03-31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J9IC | 情報通信月間
Information and Communication Month |
2021-05-15/06-15 | 情報通信月間PR事業実行委員会(JARL富山県支部(JH9YAA)) Information and Communication Month PR Events Executive Committee (JARL Toyama Prefectural Branchi, JH9YAA) |
Information and Communication Month |
2022-05-15/06-15 | 情報通信月間PR事業実行委員会(JARL富山県支部(JH9YAA)) Information and Communication Month PR Events Executive Committee (JARL Toyama Prefectural Branchi, JH9YAA) |
Information and Communication Month |
2023-05-15/06-15 | 情報通信月間PR事業実行委員会(JARL富山県支部(JH9YAA)) Information and Communication Month PR Events Executive Committee (JARL Toyama Prefectural Branchi, JH9YAA) |
8J7IH | 南東北インターハイ (平成29年度全国高等学校総合体育大会)
Interscholastic Athletic Meet (Inter-High School Championships) |
米沢市 Yonezawa-city |
2017-05-01/08-31 | やまがた県南アマチュア無線クラブ(JE7ZCT)
Southern Yamagata-prefecture Amateur Radio Club, JE7ZCT |
8J1IP | 井の頭恩賜公園開園100周年
The 100th Anniversary of Inokashira Park |
三鷹市 Mitaka-city |
2017-04-01/06-30 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J6IR | ユネスコ世界遺産(三池・八幡) (Industrial Revolution)
Meiji Japan's Industrial Revolution Heritage as a World Heritage Site |
大牟田市 Omuta-city |
2015-11-01/2016-02-28 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J1IZ | 井の頭動物園開園70周年
The 70th Anniversary of Inokashira Park Zoo |
三鷹市 Mitaka-city |
2012-04-01/06-30 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |