8J4MANGA | 第13回国際マンガサミット鳥取大会
The 13th International Comic Artist Conference (Manga: Cartoon/Comic) |
大山町 Daisen-town |
2012-08-01/11-10 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J6MATUE | 無形民俗文化財 等覚寺の松会(とかくじのまつえ)
"Tokakuji no Matsue," a Ritual of Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts), an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property |
苅田町 Kanda-town |
2017-04-09/16 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
無形民俗文化財 等覚寺の松会(とかくじのまつえ)
"Tokakuji no Matsue," an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Property (A Ritual of Shugendo) (Shugendo: Japanese mountain asceticism, incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts) |
苅田町 Kanda-town |
2019-04-07/21 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
【開設中止】無形民俗文化財 等覚寺(とかくじ)の松会(まつえ)
(A Ritual of Shugendo) (Shugendo: Japanese mountain asceticism, incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts) [Event itself cancelled due to COVID-19] |
2020-04-11/19 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
無形民俗文化財 等覚寺(とかくじ)の松会(まつえ)
"Tokakuji no Matsue," a Ritual of Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts), an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Propert [2021-04-11からのアナウンスに対し2021-03-25にスポットあり] |
2021-03-25/04-18 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
無形民俗文化財 等覚寺(とかくじ)の松会(まつえ)
"Tokakuji no Matsue," a Ritual of Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts), an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Propert [2022-04-10からのアナウンスに対し2022-04-01にスポットあり] |
2022-04-10/17 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
無形民俗文化財 等覚寺(とかくじ)の松会(まつえ)
"Tokakuji no Matsue," a Ritual of Shugendo (Japanese mountain asceticism incorporating Shinto and Buddhist concepts), an Important Intangible Folk Cultural Propert |
2023-04-09/20 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8N5MG10A | 丸亀市10周年 (合併新市起算)
The 10th Anniversary of Marugame-city's Merger |
丸亀市 Marugame-city |
2015-03-22/06-30 | 京極ハムクラブ(JH5YHR)
Kyogoku Ham Club, JH5YHR |
8N6MMTTY | 2013年沖縄アマチュア無線の日
2013 Okinawa Amateur Radio Day (MMTTY: An RTTY software developed by Makoto Mori, JE3HHT) |
那覇市 Naha-city |
2013-06-01/11-30 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J1MORSE | モールス生誕220年・大西洋横断無線通信実験成功110年
The 220th Anniversary of the Birth of Samuel Morse The 110th Anniversary of the First Successful Morse Code Communication across the Atlantic Ocean |
2011-06-01/11-30 | A1 CLUB(JO1ZZZ)
8N1MORSE | モールス生誕 230周年
国際モールス符号の原型標準化 170周年 和文モールス符号の制定 150周年 米大陸横断電信システム開通 160周年 日本の国際電信業務開始 150周年 マルコーニ大西洋横断電信成功 120周年 アマ無線電気通信術試験全廃 10周年 The 230th Anniversary of the Birth of Samuel Morse The 170th Anniversary of the Prototype for the International Morse Code The 150th Anniversary of the Japanese Morse Code The 160th Anniversary of the Trans-American Telegraph Line The 150th Anniversary of Japan's International Telegraph Service The 120th Anniversary of Marconi's Trans-Atlantic Telegraph Transmission The 10th Anniversary of Japan's Elimination of Morse Code Practical Exam for the All Amateur Radio License Classes |
2021-04-12/2022-02-28 | 情報通信研究機構電波研クラブ(JR1YPU) NICT Radio Wave Lab Club, JR1YPU A1 CLUB(JO1ZZZ)と合同 w/A1 CLUB, JO1ZZZ |
8J0MYOKO | 妙高市3周年 新潟県支部大会妙高開催 The 3rd Anniversary of Myoko-city, JARL Niigata branch meeting in Myoko |
妙高市 Myoko-city |
2008-06-01/2009-01-03 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8N0MYOKO | 妙高戸隠連山国立公園誕生/妙高市10周年
The Birth (Spin-off) of the Myoko Togakushi National Park / The 10th Anniversary of Myoko-city |
妙高市 Myoko-city |
2015-04-07/12-31 | JARL新井クラブ(アマチュア無線新井クラブ(JA0ZYO))
JARL Arai Club (aka Amateur Radio Arai Club, JA0ZYO) |
8J1MZ40Y | 睦沢町町制40周年
The 40th Anniversary of Mutsuzawa-town |
2023-08-28/2024-03-31 | 睦沢アマチュア無線クラブ(JE1ZXW)
Mutsuzawa Amateur Radio Club, JE1ZXW |
8N6M110Y | 三池港開港110周年
The 100th Anniversary of the Port of Miike |
大牟田市 Omuta-city |
2018-10-01/12-31 | 有明南筑ハムクラブ(JF6ZDI)
Ariake Nanchiku Ham Club, JF6ZDI |
8J4M13OO | 美作国建国1300年
The 1300th Anniversary of Mimasaka-koku Nation-Building (Mimasaka-koku: Now a part of Okayama-pref.) |
津山市 Tsuyama-city |
2013-04-01/09-30 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J7M150Y | 宮城県150年
The 150th Anniversary of Miyagi-prefecture |
2022-06-01/30 2022-07-01/09-30 |
JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8N0M100A | 松本市市制施行100周年
The 100th Anniversary of Matsumoto-city |
松本市 Matsumoto-city |
2007-04-29/10-31 | JARL特別局 JARL Special |
8J6M100Y | 三池港開港100周年
The 100th Anniversary of Miike Port |
大牟田市 Omuta-city |
2008-06-20/08-31 | 有明南筑ハムクラブ(JF6ZDI)
Ariake Nanchiku Ham Club, JF6ZDI |
8J6MATUE … CQ誌From J.A.R.L.で告知も,開設中止に. 8N6MMTTY … 「沖縄アマチュア無線の日」記念局の変遷はこちら.